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Silk Strings different colors

Silk Strings different colors
Informations about prices only for resellers
Product no.:50950

1 unit = 50 pieces

Length: 1 m

cotton coated with silk, colored

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assorted (mixed) ArtNr.: 50950-buntassorted (mixed)
Product no.: 50950-bunt
black ArtNr.: 50950-schwarzblack
Product no.: 50950-schwarz
claret ArtNr.: 50950-bordeauxclaret
Product no.: 50950-bordeaux
dark brown ArtNr.: 50950-dunkelbraundark brown
Product no.: 50950-dunkelbraun
dark green ArtNr.: 50950-dunkelgruendark green
Product no.: 50950-dunkelgruen
lilac ArtNr.: 50950-fliederlilac
Product no.: 50950-flieder
yellow ArtNr.: 50950-gelbyellow
Product no.: 50950-gelb
Royal Blue ArtNr.: 50950-koenigsblauRoyal Blue
Product no.: 50950-koenigsblau
white ArtNr.: 50950-weisswhite
Product no.: 50950-weiss

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