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Libysches Wüstenglas Set Nr. 12

Libysches Wüstenglas Set Nr. 12
Preisinformationen nur für Fachhändler

Einzelstücke !      1 VE = 2 Stück    

Gewicht: 32.64 g

Größe: 34 - 47 mm

Libyan Desert Glass is an Impactglass (similar to Tektites such as Moldavites).

It is caused by a Meteorite impact and occurs when the force of the impact and the resulting pressure (the more pressure the hotter) the rock (Sand here) melts and cools down in the form of glass.

Up to 0.5% Meteorite content is even preserved in Libyan Desert Glass.

The Meteorite fall is estimated at about 30 million years.

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Libysches Wüstenglas Set Nr. 12