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Box Amethyst Hearts (20 pieces)

Box Amethyst Hearts (20 pieces)
Informations about prices only for resellers
Product no.:13110

1 box = 20 pieces

Size: 32 - 45 mm

Origin: Brazil

Angel Aura: Amethyst vaporised

Nature-Mix: Amethyst, Agate, Quartz.

Rainbow: Amethyst vaporised

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option model:
Angel Aura ArtNr.: 13110-AngelAuraAngel Aura
Product no.: 13110-AngelAura
Natural Mix ArtNr.: 13110-NaturNatural Mix
Product no.: 13110-Natur
Rainbow ArtNr.: 13110-RainbowRainbow
Product no.: 13110-Rainbow

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